Are you allowing your true authentic self to SHINE through?
We all want to fit in its human nature. The truth is that most of us don’t always feel liked by everyone around us, and that is OK....

Finding your Zen
ZEN ,This word is tossed around quite a bit in our culture. Products and places are named for it. But what does it mean really? Is it an...

Compassion, are you really connecting ?
This is a favorite quote of mine, and it resonates deeply with my message of compassionate grooming. “You see, it’s the love with which...

Holistic Grooming, it’s only natural
As a long time, homeopathic pet groomer, I have always happily been on the outside of the “regular” grooming circle. I have been called...

Rising Above the average
When was the last time you went into a store or used a service and were so impressed with the experience that you shared it with friends...

Taking back our profession
There is so much talk lately about licensing for our industry. We have many different wonderful grooming associations to belong to do. We...

Purpose, what is yours today?
Why do you do what you do? Have you ever taken a moment and just thought about that? We love animals, we need to make money and the two...

Dog Massage a How To Guide
Dog Massage for the dog lover: Why should massage be an integral part of dog care? Because it a scientific fact that massage can...

6 steps to a calmer kitty
6 Simple Steps to a Feline Massage for a calmer kitty cat We all want to help our pets in stressful situations. One of the best ways is...