Using Essential Oils with Canines. A how to guide
How to use essential oils safely on your dog

Baa Baa Black Soap
What is Black Soap and why does it make me the black sheep groomer? We are getting back to a more natural approach to pet care. Most of...

5 reasons why you need this oil
5 reasons why you need this oil in your life! Copaiba Essential Oil Copaiba essential oil is a distilled oil from an oleoresin called...

Wednesdays, Grief, Gum & Grooming
Grief is a tricky thing. It is kind of like that gum you step on in a parking lot. It gets stuck to the bottom of your shoe, you are...

Intent~Body Mind Spirit
Intent is a body, mind, spirit connection What is intent? You set your intent by the actions you take, the words you speak and the energy...

4 Ways to take your salon all the way to healthy
How do you feel when you walk into your shop? Even if you are not the owner, what are your thoughts when going into work? Your thoughts...

Essentially Happy! 6 basic rules for EO's and pets
Here I am on my 50th birthday at the North West Grooming show in Tacoma Washington. How did I wind up here? Kismet, Fate and the stars...

Yummy Dog DIY Scrub
For my DIY Groomers, here's a little goodie for ya. I love to make this scrub for my short hair breeds (no skin problems needed) but if...