6 steps to a calmer kitty
6 Simple Steps to a Feline Massage for a calmer kitty cat

We all want to help our pets in stressful situations. One of the best ways is offer them some massage therapy or acupressure therapy.
Cats can be difficult sometimes to stay and let us manipulate their body parts, even if it is good for them.
These six points will help increase blood flow, lower their stress levels (and yours too) and give you some great one on one bonding time together with your cat.
No oils needed, just a nice warm lap for your kitty to snuggle into and follow these six simple directions.
Coax your feline into a relaxed position, on or near your lap. Offer him treats if he’s hesitant or seclude the two of you in a room where he cannot hide, such as a bathroom. Or wait for your cat to come to you of his own volition.
Press gently for a few seconds or lightly massage the flat of the cat's nose, just between her eyes. This movement on the first of four pressure points, called Yin Tang, is designed to release calming endorphins.
Cup your palm around the cat's foreleg and squeeze lightly, drawing your hand all the way down the leg to the "wrist," where the leg bone meets the metatarsus or paw bone. Repeat this several times until the cat accepts your touch.
Fold your thumb and forefinger around the cat's wrists, so that your thumb presses the inside of the wrist, while your index finger presses against the outside. Apply light pressure here for 30 seconds, or as long as your cat will accept it. These pressure points are termed by accupressurists as Heart 7 (right leg) and Pericardium 7 (left leg). You can work one leg at a time or both together, whichever you and Fluffy prefer.
Run your finger down your cat's spine until you no longer feel the small vertical bone projections there. This spot, called the Bai Hui acupoint, should be located about an inch or two above the base of the tail. Gently rub or scratch here. Your cat may react by lifting his tail in the air.
Stroke your cat starting at the jawline beneath the chin with your index and middle fingers. Slowly pet all the way down to the cat's collarbone and repeat. This is not an acupoint, but it is a common method of calming felines, and a good way to end your session.
By offering your cat a massage a few times a week will help his body relax and learn to accept your touch more readily. My cat actually swats and meows at me when he is on my lap, to let me know he is ready for his massage. We live to serve these fluffy creatures and we absolutely love it.

Portions of this article originally appeared on www.Pets.thenest.com by Ellen Goodlett